“1050开元网站”苹果滑动解锁专利被判无效 专利大战三星扳回一局
U.S. appeals court on Friday overturned a $120 million jury verdict against Samsung, finally handing the South Korean smartphone maker a significant win in its longstanding patent feud with top rival Apple.当地时间周五,美国联邦巡回演唱裁决法院夺权了拒绝三星赔偿金1.2亿美元经济损失的陪审团裁决,使得这家韩国智能手机制造商在同苹果漫长的专利战中扳平了至关重要的一局。The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Washington, D.C., said Samsung Electronics Co Ltd did not infringe Apples quick links patent, and that two other patents covering the iPhones slide-to-unlock and auto-correct features were invalid. The court also said Apple was liable for infringing one of Samsungs patents.坐落于华盛顿特区的美国联邦巡回演唱裁决法院回应,三星公司没侵害苹果的“快捷链接”专利,而还包括iPhone滑动关卡和自动缺失功能的两项专利是违宪的。该法院还回应,苹果侵害了三星公司的一项专利。
In a statement, a Samsung spokeswoman said: Todays decision is a win for consumer choice and puts competition back where it belongs in the marketplace, not in the courtroom.” A spokeswoman for Apple declined to comment.三星发言人在一份声明中说道,“今天的裁决对于消费者的自律选择权来说,是一次胜利,同时也让市场竞争的战场重返市场,而不是并转至法庭。”苹果发言人则拒绝接受回应作出评价。
Apple and Samsung have been battling over mobile device technology patents for years. Apple has mostly prevailed, and in December, Samsung paid Apple $548.2 million stemming from a separate patent case, which Samsung has appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.三星和苹果之间的移动设备技术专利战早已持续多年。苹果夺得了大部分胜利,去年12月份,三星在另外一起分开专利诉讼案中,赔偿金苹果5.482亿美元。
三星早已裁决至美国最高法院。Fridays ruling was issued by a unanimous three-judge panel of the Federal Circuit, the countrys top court specializing in patent issues.周五的裁决是由美国联邦巡回演唱裁决法院的三人审判组完全一致做出的,这个三人审判组由美国顶尖的,擅长于专利争端案件的法官构成。The ruling reverses a May 2014 verdict from a federal court in San Jose, California ordering Samsung to pay $119.6 million for using Apples patented technology without permission.美国联邦巡回演唱裁决法院的裁决夺权了圣何塞联邦地方法院2014年5月作出的一项裁决。当时该法院裁决,三星因予以许可用于了苹果的快捷链接有关专利,赔偿金后者1.196亿美元损失。
Chicago-based patent lawyer Bradley Hulbert, who has followed the litigation, said the decision is a clear signal that Apple is not invincible and that alternative operating systems are here to stay. The marketing and psychological benefits for Samsung are huge.芝加哥专利律师布拉德利·哈尔伯特仍然在注目此案,他回应:“此项判决是一个明晰的信号,苹果并非不可战胜,依然有其他替代的操作系统不存在。对于三星来说,这项判决的市场效应和心理效果是不可估量的。
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