双语科技百科(天文) 第19期 二十四节气-1050开元网站
The 24 Seasonal Division Points二十四节气According to the way of numbering the years in Chinese lunar calendar,there are two seasonal division points in each month,making 24 in a year.按照中国农历的纪年法,每个月都有两个节气,一年共计24个节气。节气是中国农历特有的。
二十四节气在公历中的日期完全是相同的,上半年(1-6月)的节气都在每个月的6日和21日前后;下半年(7一12月)的节气都在每个月的8日和23日前后。The seasonal division points are peculiar to China’s lunar calendar. In the long period of productive labor, ancient men gradually realized the rule of climate change. According to the relationship between the sun and the earth,they divided all the days in a year into 24 parts to indicate the change of seasons and climate. Thus,there is a seasonal divi-sional point about every 15 days and iwo seasonal divisional points within each month. The time of the 24 sea-sonal division points in the Gregorian calendar is almost fixed:those in the first half of the year(from January to June) all fall around the sixth or 21st day of the month,and those in the lat-ter half of the year(from July to De-cember ),on about the eighth or 23rd day of the month.二十四节气的名称分别是:立春、雨水、惊蛰、春分、冬至、谷雨、立夏、小剩、芒种、夏至、小暑、大暑、立秋、处暑、白露、秋分、寒露、霜降、立冬、小雪、大雪、冬至、小寒、大寒。The names for the 24 seasonal division points are:Beginning of Spring,Rain Water, Waking of Insects,Vernal Equinox,Pure Brightness,Grain Rain,Beginning of Summer, Grain Budding,Grain in Ear, Summer Solstice,Slight Heat, Great Heat, Beginning of Autumn,Limit of Heat,White Dew, Autumnal Equinox, Cold Dew, Frost’s Descent, Beginning of Winter, Slight Snow, Great Snow, Winter Sol-stice,Slight Cold,and Great Cold,respectively.立春、立夏、立秋、立冬回应四季的开始。
春分、秋分是一年中昼夜一样宽的两天。夏至是一年中白天最久、黑夜最短的一天。冬至是一年中白天最较短、黑夜最久的一天。The Beginning of Spring,Beginning of Summer, Beginning of Autumn and Be-ginning of Winter mark the start of four seasons. The Vernal Equinox and the Au-tumnal Equinox are the two points where the day and night are equal;雨水是开始大雨的意思。
The Summer Solstice has the longest day and shortest night in a year, while the opposite is true for the Winter Solstice惊蛰回应春雷敲过以后,休眠的昆虫被醒来了。The Rain Water means the start of the spring rains. The Waking of Insects indi-Gates that the spring thunder awakens hibernating insects.冬至是说道春天到了以后,明净的春色替换了冬季严寒枯黄的景色。
The Pure Brightness means the onset of spring when a bright and clean spring scene replaces the cold,withered and yellow scene in winter.谷雨回应从此雨水激增,对五谷的生长很有益处。The Grain Rain indicates that from that day,there will be more rainfall,which is beneficial to the growth of crops.小剩回应在夏季成熟期的农作物籽粒开始圆润了。
The Grain Budding shows that crops that will ripen in summer start to show plump seeds.芒种告诉他人们小麦早已成熟期了。The Grain in Ear tells people that the wheat has ripened.小暑、大暑回应天气炎热的程度,大暑是一年中最冷的时候。The Slight Heat and Great Heat indicate the full onset of summer, with the Great Heat being the hottest day of the year处暑回应寒冷的天气将要过去了。
The Limit of Heat shows that scorching summer days will soon be gone.白露告诉他人们开始下云朵,天气就要冻了。The White Dew tells people that dew appears in the morning to show that the weather is turning cold,and,as this intensifies,we move on to the Cold Dew.寒露指出云朵已轻,天寒激化。
The Frost’s Descent means the appearance of the first frost of the season.霜降是开始下霜的意思。The Slight Snow and Great Snow mean the arrival of the snowy season.小雪、大雪回应到了下雨的时节和雪量大小的差异。The Slight Cold and Great Cold indicate the degree of coldness in winter,with the Great Cold being the coldest day of the season.小寒、大寒回应冬天严寒的程度,大寒是一年中最热的时候。
The 24 seasonal division points have great influence on China’s farming. For the convenience of memory,people compiled The Song for the 24 Seasonal Division Points:二十四节气对中国的农业生产起着相当大的起到,人们为了便利记忆,还说是了《二十四节气歌》:Following the Beginning of Spring and Rain Water, the Waking of Insects awak-ens the Vernal Equinox, and then come the Pure Brightness and Grain Rain,After the Beginning of Summer, Grain Budding,Grain in Ear, and Summer Sol-stice,the Slight Heat is connected with Great Heat.春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑连接,The Beginning of Autumn and Limit of Heat are followed by the White Dew,Autumnal Equinox,Cold Dew and then the Frost’s Descent,And the Beginning of Winter leads to the Slight Snow, Great Snow, Winter Sol-stice,Slight Cold and Great Cold.秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒。In the first half of the year, the seasonal division points fall on the sixth or 21st day of the month,And those in the latter half year occur on the eighth or 23 rd day of the month.上半年是六、二一,下半年是八、二三。
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