我国自主研发现实版钢铁侠 首款外骨骼机器人问世_1050开元网站
The first robot exoskeleton in China, named AIDER, has been officially unveiled in Chengdu, Sichuan province, making China the fourth country in the world to develop the cutting-edge technology.中国首个取名为AIDER的外骨骼机器人日前在四川省成都市月亮相,这也使得我国沦为世界上第四个发展该前沿技术的国家。AIDER was developed by the Center of Robotics at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.AIDER是由中国电子科技大学机器人研究中心负责管理研发的。The technology took six years of hard work and technical innovation to master.该技术的掌控经历了六年的艰难研发和技术创新。According to Lin Xichuan, one of the developers, this wearable exoskeleton robot combines human intelligence with physical strength.据开发者之一的林西川回应,这个可穿着式的外骨骼机器人融合了人类智慧和身体力量。
It is an important breakthrough for many people who require assistance with walking and rehabilitation.这对很多必须协助步行及康复的人来说是一个最重要的突破。Compared with traditional rehabilitation equipment, AIDER enables patients to walk relatively freely.与传统康复设备比起,AIDER可以使病人比较权利地行驶。
It also facilitates blood circulation to the legs and prevents muscle atrophy. It can even help patients recover their biological memories of walking.此外,它也不利于腿部血液循环,避免肌肉衰退。它甚至可以协助患者完全恢复行驶的生物记忆。Cheng Hong, executive director of the Center of Robotics, said that the robot exoskeleton can be used in military and sporting applications, as it can help users carry heavy objects.机器人中心的继续执行主任程洪回应,外骨骼机器人需要应用于到军事和体育中,因为它可以协助用户小黑重物。
Using the robot exoskeleton, a single soldier can carry items as heavy as 90 kilograms.用于外骨骼机器人,一个士兵可以随身携带重达90公斤的物品。At present, AIDER has begun low-volume production. Preliminary clinical trials have been conducted on a group of physically disabled people.目前,AIDER早已开始小批量生产,并且早已对一组残疾人展开了可行性临床试验。
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