The Chinese smartphone family, long known by its average-quality and inexpensive devices, is all set to welcome a new member. Only, the new entrant is a cut above the rest as its major customers are nattily dressed businesspeople who sport customized gadgets handcrafted with sapphire crystal screens and high-end leather.中国的智能手机产品,以其性价比优势为人熟悉,现在,中国智能手机产品这个大家庭又步入一位新成员。有一点有所不同的是,这位新成员的客户主要是那些穿著西装革履的高端商务人士,配有该品牌由蓝宝石水晶、高级皮质雕刻制作的手机。The United Kingdom-based luxury smartphone vendor Vertu Co Ltd was sold by its Swedish owner EQT Holdings AB to a group of unknown investors in Hong Kong.总部设于英国,由瑞典投资集团殷拓EQT所有的智能手机奢华品牌Vertu(威图)有限公司,日前已被香港某投资集团并购。
EQT said the ownership change was completed in mid-October. Details of the transaction, including the amount, were not disclosed.EQT集团回应,Vertu(威图)在10月中之后已易主,但交易的诸多细节,如成交额等信息不予透露。The private equity firm acquired Vertu from Nokia in 2012 for more than 200 million euros ($220 million). The phone maker subsequently changed its operating system from Symbian to Google Incs Android and launched a range of new products.2012年,瑞典的投资集团殷拓EQT以逾2亿欧元的价格从诺基亚手中并购了Vertu。手机制造商随后之后退出其塞班操作系统,重新加入谷歌的安卓系统阵营,并发售了系列新产品。
However, the price of Vertu devices far exceeds the flagship devices sold by Apple Inc or Samsung Electronics Co Ltd. Prices for a Vertu phone easily reach 50,000 yuan ($7,900) in China, compared to 7,788-yuan price tag for the most expensive model of the iPhone 6S Plus selling in the country. Vertu provides 24-hour worldwide concierge service to its phone users to access money-cant-buy events and experiences.但是,Vertu的手机价格相比之下多达了苹果、三星等手机。在中国,一部普通Vertu手机的价格高达5万,而时下热卖中国三高的iPhone 6S Plus也才7788元。此外,Vertu某种程度是一部手机,它能为用户获取24小时的全球贵宾服务,让用户体验到银子都难买到的私人服务。
The company runs retail outlets in high-end shopping malls in cities including Beijing and Shanghai. Chinese shoppers zeal for luxury products has been driving Vertus expansion.该公司门店主要集中于北京、上海等城市的高端商场。中国消费者对奢侈品的购买欲推展了Vertu的拓展。
Vertu, which was originally started by Nokia in 1998, will need to find a new chief executive following the change in ownership.Vertu,由诺基亚于1998年创立,随着此次所有权的更改,必须一位新的继续执行总官。Massimiliano Pogliani, the companys chief executive for three years, is believed to have stepped down from his post.时任三年Vertu首席执行官的MassimilianoPogliani回应,是时候将接力棒转交新的团队了。It was also not immediately clear as to how the ownership change would affect Vertus operations. Hong Kong-based investment company Godin Holdings, a key investor in Vertu, did not reply to e-mails sent by China Daily seeking comments.Vertu所有权变化对公司的影响也会立刻具体显出。总部坐落于香港的投资公司戈丁控股公司, Vertu的一个主要投资公司,没回应中国日报谋求意见的电子邮件。
Vertus Hong Kong office said the company would issue a statement regarding the ownership and leadership changes on Wednesday. But no statement was made by Wednesday evening.Vertu的香港公司回应,公司不会在周三收到关于Vertu所有权和领导权更改的声明。但是,周三晚上并没涉及声明公布。Hong Kong investors have showed a rare interest in buying overseas smartphone makers lately.香港投资商最近早已展现出出有并购海外智能手机的很大兴趣。REX Global Entertainment Holdings Ltd, a Hong Kong-listed firm, paid $100 million for 64.9 percent stake in Russian smartphone maker Yota Devices last week.REX环球娱乐集团有限公司,是一家香港上市公司,上周缴纳 1亿美元并购了俄罗斯的智能手机制造商Yota公司64.9%的股份。
TZ Wong, a senior analyst at Singapore-based research company Canalys, said Vertu is facing strong headwinds because of its pricing strategy.朱,新加坡一家调研公司的资深分析师回应,Vertu由于其定价策略于是以面对强劲的瓶颈。The previous owner chose a good timing to exit as Vertu is facing expansion pressures, he said. The company may shift its focus to China and other Asian markets after the takeover.他分析到,“Vertu的前老板在面对公司拓展压力时,自由选择了一个合理的时机解散”,“目前该公司被并购后,其市场焦点可能会转投中国和其他亚洲市场。
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