Guangzhou’s municipal government is planning to launch its own Uber-like online taxi hire service, only weeks after police closed the San Francisco-based transport app’s office in the southern Chinese city.广州市政府计划发售一个与优步(Uber)类似于的在线大约租车平台,就在几周前,警方重开了这家总部坐落于旧金山的专车应用于在广州的办事处。The new company, Ruyue (meaning “by appointment”), will offer rides to customers using a smartphone app. However, the journeys will be provided by the four taxi companies with licences to operate in Guangzhou, which had faced competition from Uber before it was shut.新的公司“应允”将利用智能手机应用于向顾客获取用车服务。然而,这项服务将由广州4家享有出租车牌照的出租车公司获取,在优步被重开之前,这些出租车公司面对来自优步的竞争。The timing of Ruyue’s looming launch — weeks after Uber was taken out by a police raid — has raised questions about the city’s commitment to a level playing field.应允将要发售的时机在优步被警方突击搜查并查禁几周后,这引起了有关广州对于创立公平竞争环境这一允诺的疑惑。
“It is hard to say for sure whether the crackdown against Uber in Guangzhou was directly related to this new app, but I think it is natural to make the connection,” said Zhang Yi, head of iMedia, an internet consultancy in Guangzhou. “It appears the intention was to clear the scene for the new government-run app.”“很难说广州针对优步的压制与这款新的应用于必要涉及,但我指出,人们不会很大自然的把二者联系在一起,”广州互联网咨询公司艾媒咨询(iMedia)首席执行官张毅回应,“其本意或许是为这款新的由政府管理的应用软件扫除道路。”State-run companies that dominate many sectors in the Chinese economy face pressure from nimble internet companies that can disrupt inefficient markets such as transport and financial services.主导中国经济很多领域的国有企业于是以面对来自灵活性的互联网企业的竞争,后者可能会避免出现交通和金融服务等低效率市场。
However, taxi hire apps — both Chinese and foreign — face attention from law enforcement agencies in many Chinese cities due to prohibitions on unlicensed taxi operation.然而,由于禁令向警方出租车业务,中国国内外的微信应用于引发了中国很多城市执法人员机构的留意。
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