The alternative data industry, which sells information such as app downloads and credit card purchases to investment groups, is failing to adequately erase personal details before sharing the material, according to several hedge funds.多家对冲基金回应,向投资集团出售应用于(APP)iTunes、信用卡出售交易等信息的另类数据产业在共享这些资料之前没能充份抹去个人资料。The rapidly growing world of big data is seen as an increasingly attractive source of information for asset managers seeking a vital investment edge, with data providers selling everything from social media chatter and emailed receipts to federal lobbying data and even satellite images from space. 大数据的快速增长于是以被谋求关键投资优势的资产管理者视作一项更加有吸引力的信息来源,而数据提供商可以出售一切信息——从社交媒体聊天记录、用电邮发送到的收据,到联邦游说数据、甚至从太空摄制的卫星图像。But several hedge funds say some vendors are selling information that still contains sensitive personal information that could be used to identify individuals.但多家对冲基金回应,一些卖家出售的信息仍包括可被用作辨识个人的脆弱个人信息。
The vendors claim to strip out all the personal information, but we occasionally find phone numbers, zip codes and so on, said Matthew Granade, chief market intelligence officer at Steven Cohen’s Point72. 卖家声称抹去了所有个人信息,但我们有时候不会找到电话号码、邮政编码等信息,史蒂文.科恩(Steven Cohen)旗下对冲基金Point72的首席市场情报官马修.格拉内德(Matthew Granade)说道。It’s a big enough deal that we have a couple of full-time tech people wash the data ourselves.问题相当严重,以至于我们有两名专职技术人员负责管理清除数据。The head of another big hedge fund said that even when personal information had been scrubbed from a data set, it was far too easy to restore.另一家大型对冲基金负责人回应,即便从数据集中于抹去个人信息,完全恢复这些信息也过分更容易。
We were shocked at how easy it was to de-anonymise the data, he said. 我们对于避免这些数据的匿名性的更容易程度深感愤慨,他说道,It took one of my analysts 30 minutes to discover someone who was probably having an affair.我的一位分析师用了30分钟就找到了一个很有可能有婚外情的人。Sophisticated algorithms such as machine learning allow money managers to sift through enormous data sets for profitable patterns. 机器学习等简单算法使得资金管理人可以辨别海量数据集,借此找到有利可图的规律。But the sensitivity of some of the information being offered has raised concerns. 但是,一些被贩卖的信息的敏感性引起了人们的忧虑。
Robert Schoshinski, assistant director in the Federal Trade Commission’s division of privacy and identity protection, said the issue was on the FTC’s radar but he refused to say if there were any open investigations into misuse of data.美国联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)隐私与身份维护部门助理主管Robert Schoshinski回应,联邦贸易委员会早已注意到这一问题,但他拒绝接受透漏否已对数据欺诈进行调查。Tammer Kamel, chief executive of Quandl, a well-reputed alternative data vendor, said his company was super zealous about scrubbing any personal information out of its aggregated data. 声誉较好的另类数据提供商Quandl首席执行官塔默.卡迈勒(Tammer Kamel)回应,他的公司在从单体数据抹去所有个人信息方面超级较真。No one wants to be on the wrong side of this, he said.没有人期望在这个问题上车站在错误一旁,他说道。Another hedge fund manager pointed out that if there were legal issues, the litigation axe would be more likely to fall on them than the data vendors. 另一名对冲基金经理认为,如果经常出现法律问题,诉讼的矛头更加有可能落在他们身上,而非数据提供商。
We are incredibly careful about licensing and privacy issues because when things go wrong legally, the plaintiffs go after the people with the money, he said.我们在许可和隐私问题上十分慎重,因为如果经常出现法律问题,原告追究责任的必然是享有资金的人,他说道。
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