‘1050开元网站’iOS8漏洞严重 用户更新步伐较慢
The release of Apple’s latest mobile software system, iOS 8, was riddled with major bugs, and Apple customers actually seem to care. They are adopting the new software update more slowly than they did past releases.苹果(Apple)公布的近期移动软件系统iOS 8经常出现了各种根本性漏洞,而苹果用户或许回应非常在乎。与该公司过去公布新的系统时比起,用户现在改版软件的步伐要快得多。The company said on a webpage that as of Sunday 47 percent of Apple mobile devices are running iOS 8 after it was released about two and a half weeks ago. That is much lower adoption rate than that of the previous version, iOS 7, which was running on about 70 percent of device about two and a half weeks after its release, according to an estimate by Mixpanel. The blog MacRumors earlier spotted the statistic.苹果公司在网站上回应,该公司在约两周半之前公布了iOS 8系统,截至周日,47%的苹果移动设备运营了该系统。
据Mixpanel估算,新的系统的采用率近高于之前的iOS 7,在公布约两周半后,iOS 7的采用率大约为70%。博客网站MacRumors早些时候发布了这一数据。There are a couple of popular theories for why people might be picking up iOS 8 more slowly. For one, they could have heard about the serious bugs, like the one that temporarily caused some users’ phones to stop working. For another, the software update requires a significant amount of storage on the device — about five gigabytes — when it is installed wirelessly over the Internet.至于人们改版步伐较快的原因,有两种较为广泛的观点。
Why should anyone care? For Apple, it is a big plus when a large amount of people grab the latest iOS: The newest system is made to work best on newer phones, and that encourages people with older devices to eventually buy new ones. As for third-party software developers selling apps through Apple’s App Store, it is more efficient to focus on building apps for a single audience running the same software system.为什么大家不会关心这个问题呢?对于苹果来说,如果大量用户使用新版iOS系统,这将是一个不利因素,新的系统为新版iPhone量身制订,在新手机上用于效果最佳,这不会促成用于原有设备的用户最后出售新的设备。对于通过苹果App Store出售应用程序的第三方软件开发商而言,集中力量为用于同一软件系统的单一用户群研发应用于不会更加有效率。“If you’re a developer, you want the largest possible base of devices to be able to use your app, but if half the people with iPhones are on iOS 7 or earlier, the addressable market becomes a lot smaller,” said Jan Dawson, an independent technology analyst for Jackdaw Research.Jackdaw Research公司独立国家技术分析师珍·道森(Jan Dawson)回应,“如果你是开发商,你不会期望尽量多的设备需要用于你的应用于,但如果一半的iPhone用户用于iOS 7或更加早于的版本,潜在市场不会显得小很多。
”Apple declined to comment. But the company is expected to release soon the next update, iOS 8.1, which will probably be more stable than the current one and could persuade more people to update.苹果公司拒绝接受置评。但该公司未来将会迅速公布下一个改版软件iOS 8.1,该软件可能会比当前的版本平稳,也许能更有更加多人展开升级。
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