英公司推出在线服务 可预测你能够活几岁‘1050开元网站’
The life-limiting risks of poor diet, excessive alcohol and smoking are widely known. But a new service is to be launched to more accurately predict their impact as we reach old age.The new website will use a mathematical formula to calculate how the lives of users will turn out and what steps they can take to alter their future.Lord Geoffrey Filkin, chairman of the Centre of Ageing Better is overseeing the new site, which he believes will provide a ‘gold standard’ of evidence to help maintain health and happiness. He said: ‘We will not be telling people what they should do, but we will be providing them with a gold standard of scientific and research evidence if they want to improve their wellbeing in later life.’这不是在线命理,而是利用更为科学的算法,通过你的生活习惯、饮食习惯来推算你的生命年龄。这是英国Centre of Ageing Better公司发售的一项在线服务,他们坚信通过这个服务器,可以协助人们保持身体健康而快乐的生活。
The website, which will use data from Public Health England, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence and the office of National Statistics,will be able to answer questions concerning life expectancy and the benefits of improved diet.Users will also be able to ask questions concerning their expected income, how to increase pension size and whether they have enough friends to stave off loneliness in old age.The Centre of Ageing Better is a new trust launched with a £50million grant from the Big Lottery Fund.The website, set to be in service by 2015, will be one of the centre’s first projects and will receive full support from the Government, of which it will remain independent of.It will offer life predictions for those aged 30 and above by creating a personalised plan.In an interview with the Sunday Times, Lord Filkin said the website’s aim was to inspire people to improve their lives.He said: ‘Everybody is going to live much longer than we have experienced in the past, so it is really important to work out how we can ensure that we make this as enjoyable and meaningful as we can.公司主席Geoffrey Filkin说道:我们会告诉他人们应当做到什么,但是我们不会获取人们一个科学的标准和研究的证据,以此来提高人们的生活。‘If you are 30, the thought of being 65 is so horrible that you don’t even want to think about it. You would use the website to see the difficulty of building up a pension later.’‘We don’t want to spread misery around the western world. This is not just a dose of gloom. In fact many things are under your control.‘If you are poor before you retire, you will also be poor later in life, but one thing you can do is adopt a healthier lifestyle.‘It has enormous benefits and almost zero cost.’ He said that even though not everyone may decide to seek a healthier lifestyle, it was important to equip them with the information to do so.He said: ‘People who have a rich social life and a sense of meaning apart from themselves will be happier and live longer.大家是不是现在就想要预测自己的年龄?!不过,据传这个网站以及涉及服务,获得2015年才能竣工。它可以为30岁左右的人获取年龄预测,辟一个详细的生活计划。
‘Whether we’ll be able to say that you’re going to be at risk if you have fewer than 10 friends I doubt, because I doubt the data is so black and white- two good friends might be worth 10 drinking companions.‘We will, however, be able to say that people who do have friendly relations do have a meaning to their life, live longer and say they are happier.‘We will also bust the myth that you have to be perfectly healthy. People who have friends and give something to the community can be happy.’Earlier this year, Lord Filkin chaired an inquiry which found that there will be twice as many people aged 85 and above in 2030 as in 2010 and that 10.7m people in Britain are set to retire on an inadequate income.Geoffrey Filkin说道:如果你早已30岁了,并且想让自己60岁的时候过得过于艰辛,那么最差来用于这个服务。
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