Beijing’s plans to create national champions in 10 high-tech manufacturing sectors by 2025 has come under fire from European businesses, which fear Chinese producers could swamp whole industries with overcapacity and spark a protectionist backlash.中国政府计划在2025年以前,在10个高科技制造业领域打造出国家冠军企业。这一计划受到欧洲商界的批评,后者担忧中国制造商不会以不足生产能力水淹整个产业、并引起保护主义声浪。The EU Chamber of Commerce in Beijing on Tuesday released a 70-page critique of China’s industrial policy, known as China Manufacturing 2025.坐落于北京的中国欧盟商会(European Chamber of Commerce in China)周二公布了一份长达70页、为题《中国生产2025:产业政策对局市场力量》(China Manufacturing 2025)的报告,抨击中国的产业政策。
“The broad set of policy tools that are being employed to facilitate CM2025’s development are highly problematic,” said the chamber, which represents European businesses in China. The report was timed to coincide with the National People’s Congress, the annual meeting of China’s rubber-stamp legislature.这家代表欧洲在华企业的商会回应:“用来推展实施《中国生产2025》的诸多政策手段是有相当大问题的。”该报告的公布正逢中国的“橡皮图章”立法机关全国人大开会年会之际。The chamber said, for instance, that foreign carmakers with electric models were being pressed to turn over their battery technology to Chinese partners in exchange for being able to produce and sell in China.该商会举例称之为,享有电动车型的外国车企正面对压力,要它们把自己的电池技术转交中方合作伙伴,以交换条件需要在中国生产和销售。
“European business is facing intense pressure to turn over advanced technology in exchange for near-term market access,” according to the report.报告称之为:“例如,近来通过的一项新能源汽车领域的政策令其欧洲企业需以先进设备技术交换条件近期市场准入而面对极大压力。”Other measures that have been already implemented, such as subsiding local producers of battery-powered cars, are possibly in violation of China’s commitments to the World Trade Organisation, the EU Chamber said. However, foreign businesses fear WTO resolution may not be an option given the length of time the process takes and the potential for retaliation by China.中国欧盟商会回应,其他早已实行的措施——比如补贴本土电池动力汽车生产商——有可能违背了中国对世贸组织(WTO)的允诺。
不过,外国企业担忧,将问题无视WTO来解决问题或许不是一个适合的选项,因为整个流程耗时太久,而且中国有可能会背叛。On Sunday, at the opening of the NPC, China’s government appeared to react to criticism of its manufacturing plans, saying in a government work report: “Foreign firms will be treated the same as domestic firms when it comes to licence applications, standard-setting and government procurement, and will enjoy the same preferential policies under the Made in China 2025 initiative.”上周日,在全国人大年会揭幕时,中国政府或许针对外界对其制造业计划的抨击做出了对此,它在一份政府工作报告中称之为:“在资质许可、标准制订、政府订购、享用《中国生产2025》政策等方面,对内外资企业一视同仁。
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